Five Curious Museums

There are so many famous museums in the world like the Louvre, MoMA in New York, the British Museum and the Vatican Museums. And we promise you all are worth a visit. But what if you’re after something less cultured, more unconventional? We here at dealchecker often come across some very odd museums indeed, and here are our top five picks for curious museums.

Trash Museum, Hartford, Connecticut, USA


by Chrysaora

An educational museum where all the exhibits are based on rubbish! Take a tour of the Temple of Trash, learn about the dangers of sending all our waste to landfill or watch the state-of-the-art recycling machine in action. One thing’s for sure, this is your one-stop-shop for everything rubbish related!
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Mammoth Museum, Yakutsk, Russia


by Son of Groucho

This museum, off the beaten tourist track in Russia, is home to the world’s best and most diverse collection of Ice Age exhibits. A cryogenically frozen woolly mammoth head is the crowning glory, although beware that it’s so famous it’s often on tour! If you want to be sure to see it then email them or get in touch with the Campus of Physical and Natural Sciences where the museum is housed.

National Historic Cheesemaking Center, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA

Peruvian Cheese

by quinet

A strange location for a historical offering on cheese, you can see original cheesemaking equipment in use here after it laid untouched for nearly a century when other methods took over. Located in a converted railway depot you can step back 100 years to the times when the cheesemaking here was of national importance. Producing Brick, Swiss and Limburger cheeses using milk from the 40 cow herd this is a rare opportunity to see the handmade cheese process.

Sulabh Toilet Museum, New Delhi, India

by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget

The only museum in the world dedicated to the evolution of this common item, you will be taken on a journey around the world and back in time as far as 2500BC. The extensive collection of toilets, chamber pots and more is supplemented by information on the sanitary habits and toilet etiquette throughout the ages.

Museum of Bad Art (MOBA), Massachusetts, USA


by rossaroni

Featuring art that’s so bad it’s almost good, the popularity of this museum has been so great that it now has three separate collections across the state. No genre is too lofty to be attempted by the artists and no subject too taboo so expect plenty of horrendous attempts at portraits, misshapen nudes and all manner of odd “surrealism” that doesn’t quite hit the mark.