Enjoying Autumn

It seems to us here at dealchecker that autumn gets a lot of bad press. Generally, people are disappointed that summer is over (ok, I’ll admit it, that’s me), are waiting for the first snowfall of winter, or are fed up with raking leaves from their lawn.

Autumn can be a great time to enjoy a city break and take advantage of fewer crowds and cooler temperatures, it’s also firmly in the “shoulder season” for winter sun destinations like Sharm el Sheikh and the Canary Islands, which means even cheaper prices. But we’re after things that will help us embrace autumn, maybe even…enjoy autumn?

So we’re turning to the vibrant bursts of colour coming from the trees, and the new foods that autumn brings for inspiration! So here are the things we at dealchecker are looking to enjoy this autumn:


UK Foliage

Lake District National Park

If you’re looking for something easy on the budget then head to the best spots for UK leaf colours. Westonbirt Arboretum, Coniston and Tarn Hows in the Lake District National Park and Gibside in Gateshead are all stunning.


Japanese Foliage

Japanese valley

It’s not just about the blossoms in Japan, their trees also put on a great show come autumn. The Fujigoko Region, also known as the Lake District, is the most popular place, and we can see why with such beautiful colours.


New England Foliage

Massachusetts foliage

Splash out on a trip to the world’s most famous place to see the autumn colours. Choose from Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island, and plan to hire a car to get you around all the best spots. This is such a popular holiday that you can tune into the local weather for hints on where the best show will be!


Pumpkin Ale

Pumpkin Ale
Zach Dischner

Pumpkin-based alcoholic beverages have long been a favourite over in the USA, and the trend is starting to catch on here. The autumn equivalent of cider, you can find it at a host of independent breweries across the UK, including Stewart Brewing in Edinburgh and Rooster’s Brewery in Yorkshire.


Falmouth Oysters

Falmouth Oyster Festival
The Local People Photo Archive

It may be the end of the holiday season in Cornwall but it’s the start of the oysters, which have contributed to Cornish seafood’s huge rise in popularity. Join in the fun from 12th – 14th October, when there will be cookery masterclasses, tastings galore and more.


Tuscany Wine Harvest

Tuscany Chianti Harvest
francesco sgroi

If you prefer wine then get to Tuscany. All the tourists have gone home, and the vineyards are harvesting their grapes. There are festivals all over the region with more than ample chances to try all the local Chiantis. Now that’s an idea to get us loving autumn!