Great Holiday Reads

It’s important to have a good book (or two) to read on holiday, and we’re pretty passionate about books at dealchecker HQ too. So I asked about for some recommendations from the guys and gals and here is what they said!

Alice recommends The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

“I made everyone I was on holiday with read this once I was done! It’s got time travel, crime and Jane Eyre all wrapped up with plenty of silliness!”

Anna recommends The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

“A love story with a twist, ideal holiday reading!”

Holiday reading

by tristanf

Mark recommends Life And Times Of A Rolling Stone: Keith Richards’ Autobiography

“Fantastic inspiration on how to party whilst on holiday!”

Joe recommends The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell

“It’s a great book with plenty of well-crafted characters that leads to a satisfying end. Easily the most original novel I’ve read all year.”

by Matter = Energy

Eve recommends On the Road by Jack Kerouac

“Ok, so it’s a bit of a clichéd choice, being the ultimate defining novel about road tripping and travel, but on holiday is the only time to read it – otherwise you’ll just be yearning for distant shores – not something you want when you’re stuck in an office!”

Em recommends Life of Pi by Yann Martel

“A beautiful book about being shipwrecked with a strange selection of zoo animals, it’s a must for any holiday, apart from perhaps a cruise!”

top image by aafromaa