Happy Hump Day News: Going Above & Beyond

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This time next week, we’ll be one step closer to normality, and hopefully many of us will have reunited with loved ones in an outdoor gathering. The past week has marked some significant stages in the UK vaccination rollout, with half of all adults in the country now jabbed!

Power to the Pubs


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This is not your typical London pub demolition story. We’ve seen plenty of our favourite spots close in the last few years, and sadly, campaigns to save a historic boozer from being flattened are all too familiar. However, the Carlton Tavern in Kilburn in West London might have finally broken the mould and put developers off side-stepping the law. After a six-year campaign, the council has ordered the developers to rebuild the pub brick-by-brick. Luckily, Historic England took plaster casts and photographs before it was torn down. If all goes well, the pub should reopen again next month!

Special Ties


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A 14-year-old boy in New Jersey has amassed praise from two presidents, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, for his efforts to help shelter animals get adopted. The teenager has come up with an unusual way to make the pets more appealing to prospective owners — by making them special bow ties. Darius Brown has always loved making and wearing bow ties, which helps him practice his fine motor skills. So far, he has made up to 1000, including one for President Joe Biden’s rescue dog Major.

Magic Mushrooms


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Fashion designer Stella McCartney has unveiled new products made from a revolutionary fabric, which looks like leather but is actually made from fungi. The famously green designer plans to unveil more pieces made from the versatile Mylo material, which has already been used to make packaging, flooring, benching and coffins. The use of the sustainable material by such a prominent British designer will hopefully pave the way for more ethical fashion practices in the near future.

Marvel-lous Milestone

The Marvel Universe has announced that, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Captain America, it will introduce its first LGBTQ+ character to the iconic series. Aaron Fischer’s debut will coincide with Pride Month in the US, and he will be presented as a brave teenager who has taken on the mantle of Captain America to protect his community.

To Infinity… and Back

Every parent’s heart drops when they can’t find their child’s favourite toy, which is exactly what happened to a family in the US when a little boy left his Buzz Lightyear on a plane. Luckily, in a nod to Toy Story, the boy had written his name on the bottom of Buzz’s foot, so a Southwest Airlines employee checked the passenger list and emailed the family before getting creative. Buzz was snapped on the tarmac and in the cockpit of a plane, and then returned to his owner in a decorated box complete with a handwritten note about his adventures.

And Finally…

Tibbs Jenkins is behind our new favourite Instagram account. She seems to sum up our mood each day with just one post…


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