After missing out on fireworks, singing Auld Lang Syne and countdowns last year, we’ve got to make New Year for 2022 count, so here are some ideas that you’ll need to start planning now if you have any chance of securing the New Year you want!
House Swap
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Looking for a cheap option? This method is practically free, all you need to do is put your own home up for swap, à la The Holiday. Just like Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet, you’ll stay at someone else’s house whilst they stay at yours. Sure, you may not get the idyllic Cotswolds cottage, or the Hollywood Hills like in the film, but we all love a change of scenery. There are some incredible options on offer, from Notting Hill to the cliffs of Cornwall, or even further afield to the US. Take a look at sites like Love Home Swap and Home Exchange to see the spots that you can swap your own place for, and party in someone else’s house this year!
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If you fancy pushing the boat out this year, there are hundreds of incredible packages you can book with hotels, offering a few night’s stay with dinner, drinks and breakfast the next day. Packages vary but you could spend a few nights in The Ned, or jaunt off to the Cotswolds, for a weekend in the country. Wherever you lay your head for this special weekend, you’ll be looking at spending over £1,000 for two, but generally this involves staying for at least two nights with a few glasses of bubbles and canapés thrown in on top.
Dinner party at home
We got pretty good at partying from home in lockdown, so why not conclude this year with one last at-home bash — after all we know there can be a lot of joy found in creating new cocktails, choosing your own playlist, and not having to wait an age for food that, let’s face it, can sometimes be a little too pretentious when all we want is a little pizza and prosecco. But you can always go fancier, get dressed up and show off to your guests by cooking up a storm yourself, book a private chef, or host a potluck party – where everyone brings a dish! Other options include cheese and wine night, a beer pong tournament or your classic fancy dress party, the opportunities are endless…
Road trip during Twixmas
No one thinks of booking a holiday during that awkward bit that spans between Christmas and the New Year, but if you are one of the lucky ones given most of the Christmas period off, then this is a great opportunity to make the most of it. Hop in the car, or camper van, and find somewhere new every night – plan your route, or see where the road takes you. Scour the internet for airbnbs or find a new hotel with each spot, if you don’t have too many commitments, but want to bring 2022 in with a bang then this is surely a great way to make memories. You could even end up somewhere on the continent if you fancy it!