Hands up: who likes winter? Really? Are you sure? Sure, we can all romanticise the colder months – roaring fires, Christmas and warming casseroles; you know the drill. But here’s the thing: these things ARE ALL INSIDE. Where there is central heating. And blankets. And slippers. Outside, it’s mainly just sub-zero air, wind, rain, general misery and broken dreams. Summer feels like a hilarious joke that you heard someone tell in a pub once, a long time ago, and you can’t quite remember the punchline.
Don’t worry though, pet, we’re all in this together. And luckily, there’s a big, beautiful world out there, parts of which are still above 25 degrees. Sweet! We’re frightfully highbrow here at dealchecker, obviously, so let us borrow a phrase fromĀ Mr Shakespeare, and tell you that thy eternal summer shall not fade – not if you zoom off to one of our top three hot-to-trot sun traps!
Canary Islands
Image by Thomas Tolkein
Ah, the Canary Islands. They’re a regular feature on our weekly real deals, as there are always cheap, great value deals available for those in search of some winter sunshine. Whether you opt for Tenerife’s soft beaches, Gran Canaria‘s man made sand dunes or Lanzarote’s bright lights and nightlife, there’s one thing guaranteed – and that’s sunshine. Think of the Canaries as big, beautiful, all year round hot water bottle, right on your doorstep. We’ve even got a rather thrifty nine-night cruise to the Canaries in our Real Deals at the moment, if that floats your, erm, boat!
New Zealand
Image by JennyHuang
Now, we know it’s not exactly round the corner, but our Antipodian cousins have got the right idea when it comes to climate. It’s hotting up in New Zealand right now, and it’s utterly beautiful too (which never hurts). From the volcanic beauty and busy city life of Auckland to the classic laid-back south island charm of Christchurch, New Zealand is a show-stopping holiday destination on so many levels – and its perfect weather means even the palest of English flowers shall catch some rays!
Morocco and North Africa
Image by Ahron de Leeuw
Holidays in North Africa, for me, conjure up images of colourful bazaars, balmy air, long stretches of beach and camel trekking in the Sahara desert. From gorgeous Agadir to colourful, vibrant Marrakesh or movie-inspiring Casablanca, Morocco is beautiful, culturally thrilling and most importantly, for the purpose of this article – hot! Or how about Tunisia? With it’s exotic, sand-fringed Mediterranean coast and the tourist-centric atmosphere of some of its cities, Tunisia is prime territory for a straightforward sun-sand-and-sea holiday that still packs a punch in the culture department!
Where will you be getting your hands on some winter sun this year?