Top Tips for Eco Friendly Travelling

So you’ve decided to take that holiday, hey! Well done, you deserve it (probably). But does the environment deserve it? The jury’s still out…

You might think its a little hypocritical of us – a travel company – to be dispensing advice on being eco-friendly – after all, travel by its very nature isn’t particularly eco-minded (all those aeroplane fumes, eek – sorry Mama Nature). But we understand that you need a holiday from time to time, so bar the humble staycation or cycling your way to the sunny location of your choice, sometimes you’re just going to have to get on a plane. However, there are small ways you can help – and not hinder – the gorgeous environment you end up laying your towel down in…

Use water sparingly. Yep, I’m talking to you. Don’t take baths, reuse towels – you get the picture. Don’t be a greedy so-and-so, unless you sweat A LOT at night (in which case, you may want to look into that) you don’t need your bed linen replaced every day. You just don’t. Help conserve water in hot, dry destinations!

Remove the packaging from items you’re taking with you. There are high levels of waste in a lot of countries at the moment, and don’t have the jazzy recyling systems that we do in the UK. Take your toiletries and empty plastic bottles home with you – I’m fairly certain you can forgo that extra useless souvenir to make space for them.

Image by Muffet

Eat locally produced food. Travelling to the local markets rather than hotel shops and big chains benefits both you and economy – it will culturally and fiscally enrich you (it’s much cheaper) and there’s a larger variety, and the money you spend will be going into the pockets of local families. Everyone wins.

Electricity: think about it. Act like you (should) at home – don’t leave the air conditioning or heater on when you’reĀ  not around, check the TV is fully off rather than on standby. Just ‘cos you’re on holiday, doesn’t mean you have to leave your morals at home.

Image by Sudhamshu

Be aware of what you’re buying. Don’t buy products made from endangered or wild animals or plants – this includes coral, shells, horns, teeth and animal skins – and fur, naughty. Surely we don’t need to explain this one?

Image by cogdogblog

Educating yourself in the customs of a place can really help you to understand it. Actually read the guide books, and get used to how the locals live and what is and isn’t acceptable in the country of your choice. It will help you to make informed choices about things besides which cocktail to have next…Happy holidays!