A Week of Wellness in Goa

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Goa’s glorious and golden sands seduce countless travellers every year, from weary backpackers in search of a slice of paradise, to luxury-loving, sun-seeking holidaymakers. Not only is this coastal region of western India replete with natural beauty, it is also an established hotspot for wellness travel and boasts some of the most prestigious yoga and mindfulness retreats in the world.

From the tranquil peace of northern towns to the aromatic spice of the sweeping, southern coast, here is our guide to indulging yourself like you never have before, with a week of wellness in Goa.


Goa - A Week of Wellness Graphic

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<a href=”https://www.dealchecker.co.uk/blog/2015/11/23/a-week-of-wellness-in-goa/” target=”_blank”>Goa – A Week of Wellness </a> is a graphic produced by <a href=”https://www.dealchecker.co.uk” target=”_blank”>dealchecker.co.uk</a>
