August Bank Holiday Nostalgia

For me, the August Bank Holiday always highlights that I no longer have those gloriously long summer holidays I enjoyed so much at school. And I’m not the only one that feels that way. Here at dealchecker we’re determined to rediscover that lazy holiday felling, even if for only one long weekend this August.

Too many people see the Bank Holiday as a reason to a) get stuck into that DIY project b) visit far-flung relatives or c) clean the house from top to bottom. We say forget all that and get back to basics! Trust us to help you have an old-school long weekend to remember.

Beach Huts

Beach Huts

The quintessential summer holiday has to include a trip to the beach, and why not jump on the retro bandwagon and hire a beach hut? So much more chic than carting your worldly possessions across the sand like a holidaying mule, and infinitely more comfortable than sunbathing on pebbles. Sure, they cost more than just lying your towel down, but they make for great memories, and that’s what this is all in aid of.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream
neil conway

It’s a tradition in my family that we have ice creams at 3 o’clock when we go to the beach, and quite frankly that’s the sort of tradition I wouldn’t mind rolling out to every day! It has to be proper ice cream, scooped into a cone by a (hopefully generous) hand. Somehow they taste better when you’re in the salty seaside air, but we won’t tell if you just want to pop out from your desk!

Reading a Book All Day

Book on the Beach
Simon Cocks

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the busy working schedule, and many of us here at dealchecker find the only time we really get to read a book is on holiday. So even if you’re not sunning yourself at the beach, why not reclaim the Bank Holiday for you? Switch your phone off, curl up somewhere comfy, and get stuck into that book you’ve been meaning to read.

Lazy Lunches

Pub Lunch
Cohen Kenny

There’s nothing quite like spending most of your holiday eating! Long outside lunches in quaint seaside or country pubs can start at midday and carry on until it’s time to head off in search of afternoon tea! Grab a couple of mates, head to a beer garden near you, and just enjoy relaxing with good food.

Afternoon Tea

Scones - Devonshire Style
Calgary Reviews

Which brings me nicely to my favourite type of tea, afternoon tea! This cuppa comes with at least one scone – more if you’re lucky – plenty of clotted cream and jam. If you’re not a sticky mess by the end then you’re simply not putting enough on your scone. Scones are really easy to make at home if you can’t get away, but there’s nothing quite like being brought one still warm from the oven!

Watery Fun

Tooting Bec Lido

Holidays always used to revolve around water, whether in the sea, going to the local pool, making a slip’n’slide at home, or just spotting a sprinkler and dashing through it. Lidos are becoming more and more popular in cities so why not pack a huge bag full of “essentials” and get yourself there early to bag a prime spot!

Use our UK breaks finder if you’re after a last minute offer for the August Bank Holiday, and check out our Real Deals too where we post our top 20 deals every week.