Almost every nation in the world has adopted a flower to represent their country, officially or not. Selections may be made for religious or cultural reasons, or may be according to the family of the ruling class at the time.
Some flowers, like the rose, are the emblem of more than one country – in this case Britain, the US and the Maldives – whereas others are exclusive to one country. Here’s a photographic list of just a small selection of beautiful floral emblems from around the world, and a few tips on when to travel to see some of them at their best:
Australia – Golden Wattle
Image from Ibsut
Australia’s national flower inspired the country’s national green and gold colours, and the plant even has its own day – National Wattle Day – on 1 September every year. Formally declared in 1992, National Wattle Day is a celebration of all things Australian. To see the country’s green and gold in full bloom, take advantage of some cheap flights to Australia between late winter and spring.
Barbados – Dwarf Poinciana
Image from mauroguanandi
Belgium – Red Poppy
Image from Bert K
China – Plum Blossom
Image from ming1967
Finland – Lily of the Valley
Image from Muffet
Germany – Knapweed
Image from Dominic’s pics
Netherlands – Tulip
Image from Misserion
As a nation, The Netherlands has been tulip-mad for centuries. Although the plant originates from Asia and the Mediterranean, tulip bulbs were first brought to The Netherlands in the 16th Century. The botanist Carolus Clusius of Leyden began to grow large displays of the flowers, and ‘tulipmania’ was born.
Tulips became all rage across Europe, with prices skyrocketing to remarkable levels, and The Netherlands became the main exporter for the continent. Eventually the market crashed and the Dutch government had to step in to stabilise prices, but tulips remain at the heart of Dutch life and industry to this day. Book a trip to The Netherlands in late April to see the tulip fields at their best.
Iceland – Mountain Avens
Image from pellaea
India – Lotus
Image from Li-Ji
Maldives – Pink Rose
Image from Muffet
New Zealand – Kowhai
Image from Tony Cardno
Striking Kowhai trees grow all over New Zealand, and the yellow flowers can be seen from July right through to November. The Maori used the tree as a source of medicine, using the bark to make a poultice for wounds, bruises and muscular pains.
Portugal – Lavender
Image from Swami Stream
Russia – Camomile
Image from Stevie-B
Scotland – Thistle
Image from OliBac
The thistle symbolised nobility of character to the Celts, and became the emblem of the Order of the Thistle – an order of chivalry founded by King James II in 1687. Another story tells of how a Viking invader stepped on a thistle while attacking a Scottish castle at night, alerting the defenders to their whereabouts. Either way, the thistle is the national flower of Scotland, and blooms from late spring and throughout the summer.
South Korea – Rose of Sharon
Image from audreyjm529
Spain – Red Carnation
Image from gajtalbot
Switzerland/Austria – Edelweiss
Image from fchelaru
Syria – Jasmine
Image from akk_rus
Ukraine – Sunflower
Image from longhorndave
Wales – Daffodil
Image from Muffet
Daffodil is the common name for the Narcissus flower, and in Wales it is customary to wear either a daffodil or a leek on March 1, which is Saint David’s Day. In Wales the Daffodil is called Cenhinen Bedr, or Peter’s Leek, and generally blooms in early spring.
Top image from aussiegal