Crazy Las Vegas

Whether you’ve been to Las Vegas or not, you’ll probably feel like you know what to expect from it. Films are always telling us of the bright lights, all-night casino sessions, and that it’s a place where secrets stay secret! Well, there’s more to this fun loving city than just the huge hotels and their tables and slot machines – but that doesn’t mean it’s any less crazy.

Machine Gun Vegas

Image Cast a Line

Gun ranges are nothing new in Las Vegas – with gun laws considerably more relaxed than in the UK going to a gun range and shooting targets has long been seen as a fun pastime. But this place is a little different. Gun ranges tend to be harshly lit, functional places but this particular version prefers to bill itself as “where the ultra lounge meets the gun range”. A swankier experience, you can come to shoot guns and stay for the atmosphere. There’s a variety of packages and guns so you can become a Femme Fatale with an Uzi or join the SAS with an M4.

Dig This

Image by Viditu

TripAdvisor’s number one rated Las Vegas attraction and the only place in America you can get yourself behind the wheel of heavy construction equipment like bulldozers and excavators. You’ll learn how to drive these huge machines yourself – equipment normally reserved for construction workers on real building sites – and perform tasks like moving (small) mountains, piling rocks and digging holes. If you’ve ever wanted a go on one of those huge yellow machines then this is the attraction for you!

Big Shot and Insanity at Stratosphere

Image by tenioman

If you think you’re brave enough, why not test your nerve with the world’s two highest thrill rides! They are both at the top of the Stratosphere Tower, the tallest structure in Las Vegas. Yes, that’s right, these rides are at the observation deck of a 350 metre high tower! Big Shot goes up to 329 metres high at a rate of 45 miles per hour and you then free fall back down, whilst Insanity spins you around the tower with nothing but 270 metres of clear air below you!

Fancy checking it all out for yourself? Since Las Vegas is so popular we look out for Vegas deals to put in our Real Deals newsletter, or tailor your own trip with our flight and hotel searches for the city.

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